Smartphone safety – Find My and Find Device apps

This Malwarebytes (MWB) blog story is interesting, but the information afterwards is useful: setting up Apple’s / Android’s Find My / Find Device service on your smartphone. • Malwarebytes > Blog > “iPhone user watches as stolen phone travels from UK to China” (December 13, 2022 by Christopher Boyd) In practical terms, this meant that… Continue reading Smartphone safety – Find My and Find Device apps

TV streaming services – visual preview like a set-top box?

This TechHive article (below) is a useful roundup of OTT services. One thing that’s predictable is price increases (not discussed in article). The typical monthly cost stands near $70, which reminds me of my cable bill years ago (and paying for so many channels that I’m not interested in or dropping channels that I do… Continue reading TV streaming services – visual preview like a set-top box?

iPhone update for your new AirTags

Lots of media buzz recently about Apple’s new AirTag. The latest iOS version enables you to use them with your iPhone. • Mac World > “iOS 14.5 is out now with lots of new features and improvements” by Jason Cross, Staff Writer (April 26, 2021) – The update adds AirTags support, App Tracking Transparency, unlock… Continue reading iPhone update for your new AirTags

The chips that power your personal computer – Intel’s overview

Holy electron beams, Batman! Chips on a reel, eh. Ever wonder about how computer chips (microprocessors) that power your personal computer are made? Well, if you’re curious for a high level overview, this PC World article includes a YouTube video by Intel (below) and some additional manufacturing videos for other products. PC World > “This… Continue reading The chips that power your personal computer – Intel’s overview